How ethical are we? Do we even care about our reputation? These are the kinds of big questions that the African Public Relations Association (APRA) seeks to answer; providing valuable insights for all leaders in Africa.

APRA have partnered with Reputation Matters to conduct a massive survey of ethics and reputation, spanning the entire African continent. All CEOs, Managing Directors, Managers as well as Public Relations (PR) managers and officers working in Africa are invited to participate in the online survey which will yield results regarding how ethics and reputation impact decision making and behaviour at three different levels; individual, organisational and country.
Regine le Roux, Managing Director of Reputation Matters comments: “Measuring Africa’s reputation and ethics is an enormous task which requires input from as many leaders as possible, across Africa. The more respondents who complete the survey, the more valuable our research results will be. We encourage every African leader, from any sphere of work, be it politics, business, non-profit or otherwise, to complete the survey online before the deadline of Friday 13 April 2018.”
APRA President, Yomi Badejo-Okusanya, added: “The theme for our annual conference is “Re-PResenting Africa”. We feel strongly that we, as Africans, need to take control of creating the narrative about our continent rather than letting others tell our story for us. To do this, we need a strong base of evidence off which to work and we are confident that this survey will provide important insights into this starting point. Ethics and Reputation are issues that affect each one of us as individuals, every organisation and every government every day and this survey is structured to give us results across these three dimensions. We look forward to sharing them at APRA Botswana 2018 and beyond.”
To complete the survey visit
“We look forward to analysing the survey responses and sharing the insights which will be useful to any organisation that operates anywhere in Africa. The survey results will be useful for making better strategic decisions and for guiding choices regarding organisational values and behaviour,” says le Roux.
In exchange for their time completing the survey, all participants will receive a synopsis of the results. A comprehensive report will be presented by le Roux at APRA’s annual conference, taking place in Botswana in May. The theme for the conference is Re-PResenting Africa, with the focus on ethics of PR practice in Africa.